Xeon processor help


Feb 20, 2016
So I have found plenty of e5 2670 v3 Xeons for cheap and I would like to know if it was a good buy or should I got for a different Xeon like the e3 1230v3? And will it be a viable upgrade to my fx6300? Would I have to buy ecc ddr3 for it to work and shouldn't it work with a regular lga 2011 motherboard?

$100 for that processor and a motherboard? Thats not going to happen. Nor will it happen with a E3-1231v3.

Heck your $80 Xeon E5 you wouldn't be able to do that either. You will be spending at least $70 on a motherboard that can crossfire.

You are better off saving your money and waiting till you can afford what you want.
I dunno about E5 2670 but I have E3-1231V3.
E3-1231V3 is basically a cheaper alternative to i7 4790, if you do not need the iGPU.
It is a very good upgrade to FX6300.

However, if you are mostly only gaming, I would suggest getting i5 4690k. i5 4690k should be on the same price class like E3-1231V3.
The E5 2670 V3 is a beast of a chip, it's a 12 core 24 thread part at 2.3GHz. If you're running highly parallelized tasks, it would be a no-brainer.

The E3 1230 V3 is a quad core part at 3.3GHz. One third as many cores, but 1.0GHz faster. It would be better for gaming.

The FX6300 would look like a 1980s console compared to either of these chips.

Note that the two Xeon chips require different sockets. The E3 uses LGA1150 and is compatible with many Z97 boards. The E5 is going to require the higher end socket. Technically the E5 2670 V3 can be run on dual socket boards with two chips, yielding a 24 core 48 thread configuration at 2.3GHz.
The E5-2670 V3 is a 12 core 24 thread CPU. It has a relatively low clock speed of 2.3ghz. and is not going to be very good for gaming since most games only use 1 or 2 cores and favor higher clock speeds. The E3-1230 V3 is a much better choice for a gaming system but the E3-1231 V3 is usually priced less and is 100mhz. faster.
How Cheap? Because to be honest unless you need it you're probably better off with an i5 or i7. The E5 does not require ECC ram, thats determined by the motherboard and it SHOULD work in any LGA 2011 board (you should confirm with the board manufacturer's website CPU support list).

If you're getting a used one, pulled from a server, if it was never really used then sure, otherwise you may be buying a processor that was run at 90-100% all day long for 2-3 years. It should still last perfectly fine, but for me theres a reason they replace them, I'd prefer a new one.
Well the 2670 is listed for 80 dollars so I was wondering if it would be a good deal, would it resell much higher than the 80 tag? and i also have an option for dual L5420 for 30 dollars if that is a good deal.

Thats very cheap, however like I and others have said, a good i5 or i7 while it may cost you $100-$150 more will out perform it when gaming. If your goal is a server and virtualization, then sure, otherwise your money is better spent elsewhere.

I have an E3-1231v3 in my server, its excellent, but unlike the E5 you selected uses the older LGA 1150. That said its far better single core than the E5.

Why don't you tell us your goals and what you are using the system for, and then we can make a recommendation.
So Im starting to think the e3 might be best as it is on the same socket as the cores right? And it should be cheaper. Besides the 2670 is cheap and I would like to know if it would be better than the 6300 for gamings.

Ok so buying a used Xeon or a new one isn't the best idea for what you want to do.

Heres a motherboard/processor/memory combo that should work well for you:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-6600 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor ($215.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Asus H170 PRO GAMING ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($124.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($79.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $420.97
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-03-21 11:46 EDT-0400

That said is that too much? I can do one for cheaper.
Except that it wont since I cannot yet afford that. I am trying to ease over to Intel so buying that xeon with a good mobo should be fine because I would have an easier time going to an i5 or i7 and i am hellbent on staying away from Skylake. Your suggested parts would put me in the hole around 400+ dollars and I just blew 300 dollars on a gpu so I might as well had just built a new pc.

Why are you hellbent on staying away from Skylake, its better in every way and will only net you more options in the future.

What is your budget?

The 1231v3 would do fine with that, all depends on what you can get it for. I personally would rather buy a new processor fro a little more than a used one that you don't know.
If you could find me the BEST deal on an I5 4690k and A mobo that has pci-e 3 and 2 way cf compatibility for somewhere around 100 dollars give or take twenty I might be able to get an I5 after selling some stuff.
The 1230/1v3 is basically an i7 4770, without the integrated graphics. For gaming, it would be the better option. You can install it in pretty much any 1150 motherboard. The 1231 version may not work in all, due to bios updates, on older H81, B85, H87, and Z87 boards. An H97 or Z97 board will not pose a problem with either.

$100 for that processor and a motherboard? Thats not going to happen. Nor will it happen with a E3-1231v3.

Heck your $80 Xeon E5 you wouldn't be able to do that either. You will be spending at least $70 on a motherboard that can crossfire.

You are better off saving your money and waiting till you can afford what you want.
Unless you really want to overclock, then the i5 isn't going to do more for you than the 1230v3 will. I built a system, last year, with a 1231v3 and a GTX 970, for a friend. It has been a solid system. Only problem they have had with it is trying to record/stream, The Division. I think that game has issues in general though.
Like mentioned, I have E3-1231V3. To see the details hover your mouse pointer over my Avatar.
I have that rig since October 2014.

E3-1231V3 is indeed a good all-rounder alternative for those who need i7 4790, do not plan to OC, do not need iGPU and kinda short of cash.
So far, there is no games which can not be handled by E3-1231V3 properly. You name it Witcher 3, GTA V, etc.
Pair it with a strong GPU and you will have a really powerful rig for the price.
Just keep in mind, like I mentioned before i5 4690k/6600k is more or less on the same price range and this could be more interesting if gaming is the only one in your mind.

You mean do not plan to OC.

I agree on the Xeon, in the end he was looking for used processors. I'd rather buy a new i5 or E3 than a used E3 or E5, because you never know how hard it was being run as it likely came out of an old server.