Question Xeon X5670 with P6T Deluxe V2 HELP

Apr 6, 2019
So I got this Xeon X5670 off of ebay for like 20 bucks and it was supposed to replace my i7 920 trash. When I switched CPUs to my surprise the PC turned on but there was no input out of my keyboard, mouse, or monitor in response to the PC. I have recently discovered that I may need a BIOS version specifically for the server CPU X5670, I am completely clueless to this and was wondering if someone could please explain everything to me step by step so I don't screw everything up.
Actually, I've seen several people use Xeon CPUs successfully on this board, but the site says nothing about the compatibility. However, it is the same socket LGA1366.
I can attest to the fact that the x5670 does run on that mobo. I’ve been running that combination over clocked to 4.1ghz for some time now without any issues. Granted, if you want to OC the chip with that board and avoid the known TDP throttling issue, you will have to cross flash the bios to a p6t ws pro. If you are anxious about crossflashing and can live with a little throttling you can run the chip without issues using the p6t deluxe v2 bios, but be sure you update the bios before installing the chip, then install it. That’s what I did, and I’ve had no complaints since. Hope this helps!