XFX 580 GTS XXX 8 GB vs MSI GTX 1060 6GB OC

Choda 996

Apr 18, 2016
Please help me decide which one is better, and which one is better for future, I can get them both for same price.

XFX 580 GTS XXX 8 GB vs MSI GTX 1060 6GB OC

I'm not fanboy and I dont care if it's MSI or NVIDIA, just which one has better cooling, and general better FPS
PSU is not a problem it's 620w Seasonic. It goes with Ryzen 2600x, but TBH I'm noob in building PC's. I think RX 580 is way to go due to 2 additional gigs of VRam and because it suppots DX 12 and Vulcan better then NVIDIA.