XFX R9 280X vs EVGA GTX 960

Having an XFX Double Dissipation GPU I would warn against it. They trade noise for heat, big time. Because of this it lowers the temp that the GPU will throttle lowering the point that the Boost will kick in. They make the fans run at a low RPM to reduce noise but because there coolers are not as good as Sapphire, Asus, Gigabyte's they produce a lot of unnecessary heat. Also XFX gpu fans fail often. I have replaced them twice on my card since the end of 2013. The good part is they have a limited lifetime warranty which covers the fans but you need to keep an eye on them to prevent over heating when they die. Also the other brands have a better change of getting a good overclock when the GPU gets even older and really needs it.

I am agreeing with everyone that the 280X is the best of the options you provided but would like to push you towards a better made GPU of the same type.

I would agree, I have never owned an XFX DD GPU but I have heard only good things about it. Here is a another review and a direct quote from it. "The cooling system on the XFX DD R9 280X is phenomenal".



In that review the Asus GPU is clocked at 1070 MHz and the XFX is clocked at 1000 MHz. This is a huge difference when it comes to heat in a GPU. That in itself invalidates the temp comparison. This review is like trying to compare a granny-smith apple to a mackintosh apple. Yes they are both apples but very different in flavor and color. The same applies here with these GPU's while they are both 280X's they will produce temps due to the clock difference and power consumption.

The XFX is only 2 degrees cooler than the reference 7970GE GPU and only 7 to 8 degrees cooler than a GPU that is clocked 70MHz higher and uses 31 to 33 more watts.

The review linked to is really not a good comparison. Based on this I must still maintain my position on the XFX coolers. If the GPU's were at the same clocks then it would be a good comparison but since they are not...
Nothing wrong withvthe xfx DD coolers at all - they're a long proven model.
If any criticism its that the fan profile is geared more towards silence than temps - you can sort this yourself with a custom fan curve in afterburner if it really bothers you.

Again this review is even further off than the one from AnAndtech. This one is comparing Nvidia to AMD. Now if you can find head to head comparisons at the same frequency's it may persuade me in a different direction but so far none of them are comparing apples to apples.

I have an XFX and had the chance to play with Asus in my system when I built my sons PC. The Asus was able to stay cooler but to my ear was a bit louder. My opinion is based on personal experience and testing and not based a review from someone else comparing Honey roasted peanuts to plain peanuts or one comparing apples to oranges.
Uhh, Mr. Gunner?

The OP is asking about an EVGA GTX 960 or an XFX R9 280X. You've turned it into 'Apples and Oranges' ---- Sorry if you had some kind of trouble with your XFX DD. It's never been an issue for me, and apparently others (excepting you, of course).

Thank you.


And I said that I agree that the 280x was the better choice but would push the OP to get a better brand. Also the fans die quickly on them, this is not just me that have had this issue. You linked an article comparing 2 different GPU's, which I responded to that then Some one else linked an article comparing the XFX to a 770. If you want to refute my findings you have that right but add this into your calculations, even one of the moderators here on toms had one of these and sent it back after reapplying thermal paste a couple of times to try to bring the heat down.

I'm Glad you have had good luck with your XFX DD GPU but there are many that haven't. The only issue I have had is fans dying, twice, trying to keep it cool. I have an older XFX 5770 that is still running strong after 7 years of use. XFX can make a good GPU but these coolers and fans are not great.

The fan profiles are geared toward the quiet side and this is where the issue of fans dying comes in for some users. Over time the fans running faster than normal adds more ware and tear. They are not oil-able so normal maintenance to prevent issues is out of the question.