XFX R9 380 connect to Sentey PSU


Dec 8, 2015
I have an XFX R9 380 I'm trying to connect with a Sentey 725W PSU.

Here's the issue:
The GPU has (2) 6-pin to (2) molex connectors.
The PSU has (3) available molex connectors.

So, I have 4 male molex connectors and only 3 females for them. What do I do now?

Sorry I'm dumb, this is my first build.

Turns out the PSU does have 2 6-pins that I assume I could plug right into the GPU. I was assuming I had to do something with the molex since the GPU provided 2 of those cords.

So just to make sure I have everything right: I just plug the 6-pins from the PSU into the GPU and we're all set?