Xfx xtr or cooler master psu?


Apr 7, 2015
Need help deciding which psu is the best one for overclocking and gaming.


My rig is an amd fx8350 on an asus m/board with plans for gtx 970 or 2 in the future. I wish to overclock the cpu to 5ghz but probably not the gpu

Also the reason for my choices is I can pay cash at these outlets otherwise I'll be waiting even longer ;-) I know there's cheaper/ better online but unless they're hugely better or cheaper then I'm not prepared to wait

Many thanks in advance
Yeah I thought I would have to go tier 1 due to pushing the overclock as far as I could just wondered on others opinions of the 2, does one stand out more than the other, are they both virtually silent fans?
Cable lengths for 12 volt,
having researched (mildy) the 2 products I went for the xfx in the end, the main reason being its fully modular compared with the semi modular CM also at a glance it looks to run quieter, on paper at least.. other than that they both run the +12v at 62amps each and that was close enough for me. now the pain in the arse of a job of fitting it! the noctua completely covers the area of the 12v pins so that'll have to come back out