Need help deciding which psu is the best one for overclocking and gaming.
My rig is an amd fx8350 on an asus m/board with plans for gtx 970 or 2 in the future. I wish to overclock the cpu to 5ghz but probably not the gpu
Also the reason for my choices is I can pay cash at these outlets otherwise I'll be waiting even longer ;-) I know there's cheaper/ better online but unless they're hugely better or cheaper then I'm not prepared to wait
Many thanks in advance
My rig is an amd fx8350 on an asus m/board with plans for gtx 970 or 2 in the future. I wish to overclock the cpu to 5ghz but probably not the gpu
Also the reason for my choices is I can pay cash at these outlets otherwise I'll be waiting even longer ;-) I know there's cheaper/ better online but unless they're hugely better or cheaper then I'm not prepared to wait
Many thanks in advance