I still won't be buying one, because I don't buy form factors I can build myself. However, Xi3 does win a lot of respect from me with this statement. I'm somewhat stunned they had the balls to stand up to Valve and say that they didn't want to limit themselves to Steam, especially in light of their working relationship prior to this."We believe that if you can play it on a computer you should be able to play it on a Piston—and that's our whole viewpoint," Politis adds.
If 384 VILW4 shaders can provide smooth triple-monitor gameplay on modern titles, I'll eat my own hat.Displays x 3:
With native triple monitor support, the PISTON Console gaming computer offers a truly immersive experience. Surround yourself with vivid visuals supported by 384 graphics cores that deliver stunningly smooth gameplay and uninterrupted gaming action.
I also don't get it that's why I'm not in the market for mico PC. If it doesn't fit 10"+ GPU it's not gaming pc.GAMING PERFORMANCE of the $1000 version has already been tested and it's horrible, horrible, horrible. It also sucks.I forget the numbers now but I believe it was something like 7FPS versus what you could build for the same price and get 60FPS. Yep.