xmp in z 370 asus


Aug 29, 2017
if i do nt enable xmp, ll my processor and rams boost to their maximum speed if needed or they ll need to enable xmp?
does xmp overclock the ram or it also over clock the processor.
if not then i ve a question, i ve intel i7 8700 k, plz inform that how can i overclock it, and can i configure it to auto overclocking if my games require overclocking any time? thx
XMP is more of a profile whereby you just enable it, after a reboot the system will run the rams at their advertised XMP speeds. This, Intel states, is easier than inputting the numbers manually in BIOS. If the rams are stated to be DDR4-3200MHz then only when you enable XMP, they'll get to that number. JEDEC specs state that DDR4 frequency's begin at 2133MHz so anything above that is an overclock.

Mind sharing your full system's specs? Have you made sure you're on the latest BIOS revision?
no i need to upgrade it and i ve downloaded its file but i do nt know how to to do that.
yes xmp works and can be enable in bios menu but i found some more xmp settings there i do nt know that those should also be enabled to enable xmp or just turning it to xmp ll ll be enough to over clock..
i think my system is set on auto and it can over clock the rams and processor if needed.
details r:
intel i 7- 8700 k
rog z370- e - gaming board
corsair 3200 mhz memory...

now what do you say...plz inform me about the bios upgrade procedure in detail as well thx.