Ciao, vorrei un consiglio, ho un PC da gaming con una scheda madre Rog Strix x870-A GAMING WIFI, nelle specifiche della scheda madre c'è scritto EXPO mentre nella lista compatibilità ci sono memorie RAM Corsair con il modello CMP64GX5M4B6000C36W e sono solo XMP. . Il mio problema è che quando le ho montate su questa scheda madre che monta solo EXPO ho iniziato ad avere problemi come grafica nei giochi granulosa, sfocata, non si vedono i nomi dei giocatori. è molto nitida, il gioco sembra irreale ed è tutto molto confuso, se giro la visuale del gioco non riesco a capire cosa mi circonda... Secondo voi queste Ram solo XMP sono sbagliate per questa scheda madre EXPO?
La mia build è
Scheda madre Rog Strix x870-A GAMING WIFI
Ryzen9 7950x3D
Dissipatore di calore RGB iCue LINK H150i
Ho allegato il video di come apparire il gioco.
Spero che qualcuno possa aiutarmi,
Using Google translate;
I would like some advice, I have a gaming PC with a Rog Strix x870-A GAMING WIFI motherboard, in the motherboard specifications it says EXPO while in the compatibility list there are Corsair RAM memories with the CMP64GX5M4B6000C36W model and they are only XMP . . My problem is that when I mounted them on this motherboard that only mounts EXPO I started having problems such as grainy, blurry graphics in games, you can't see the names of the players. it's very clear, the game seems unreal and it's all very confusing, if I turn the view of the game I can't understand what's around me... In your opinion, are these XMP-only Rams wrong for this EXPO motherboard?
My build is
Rog Strix x870-A GAMING WIFI motherboard
Ryzen9 7950x3D
iCue LINK H150i RGB heatsink
I have attached the video of what the game looks like.
I hope someone can help me,
La mia build è
Scheda madre Rog Strix x870-A GAMING WIFI
Ryzen9 7950x3D
Dissipatore di calore RGB iCue LINK H150i
Ho allegato il video di come apparire il gioco.
Spero che qualcuno possa aiutarmi,
Using Google translate;
I would like some advice, I have a gaming PC with a Rog Strix x870-A GAMING WIFI motherboard, in the motherboard specifications it says EXPO while in the compatibility list there are Corsair RAM memories with the CMP64GX5M4B6000C36W model and they are only XMP . . My problem is that when I mounted them on this motherboard that only mounts EXPO I started having problems such as grainy, blurry graphics in games, you can't see the names of the players. it's very clear, the game seems unreal and it's all very confusing, if I turn the view of the game I can't understand what's around me... In your opinion, are these XMP-only Rams wrong for this EXPO motherboard?
My build is
Rog Strix x870-A GAMING WIFI motherboard
Ryzen9 7950x3D
iCue LINK H150i RGB heatsink
I have attached the video of what the game looks like.
I hope someone can help me,
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