Xonar Dgx 5.1 not working.

Jan 21, 2019
Hi there. I have an HP Z230 workstation desktop. Windows 10. I have installed a new sound card Asus xonar Dgx 5.1. I am trying to get 5.1 through spdif optical on my Sony amplifier with no luck. I can only get left and right speakers to sound. I can get 5.1 no problem with Xbox one using the amp. When I open the Xonar software to test the 6 speakers only left and right speakers sound. I have talked to a computer store and Asus and Microsoft and watched and read countless videos and blogs with no luck. Any ideas? Thanks
Hi Calvin. Even the xonar dgx software speaker test won't recognise all 6 speakers only two front left and right. According to Asus it should work. I have already swapped it for a replacement card thinking it was broken but this one is doing the same thing.