Xotic PC Releases Intel Z170M-Based 'Havoc' Gaming Desktop

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Mar 22, 2015
The motherboard in the pictures is not a Asus Z170 Pro Gaming motherboard! wth is goin on here? I have that MB in the photo and it is a MAXIMUS VII FORMULA


Jan 1, 2016

Thanks for the link. That is crazy, esp the the info from the guy that used to work there
The thing that sours me on Xotic, well aside from the reddit link and other similar references that I have seen over the years, is the focus on useless technology that appeals only to the uninformed. Perhaps I wouldn't be so critical if not for their reputation but if you are going to purport to be a technology leader, don't try and push technologies that serve no purpose other than obtaining a cost premium far above what is warranted. A retailer's cost premium for delivering a box to your door is fixed.

-$500 for a 970 => 980 Ti Upgrade ? A 67% markup ? Exactly how much more does it cost the company to install the 980 Ti as opposed to the 970 ?

-An H series cooler ? Why pay a fat price premium for a cooler that is louder and and doesn't cool as well as a decent air cooler ? If you are going to offer water cooling at least offer an Alll-In-One that doesn't mix copper and aluminum and allows the user to add more water blocks and a case that will allow you to add more radiators if they want to expand the system.

-RAID 0 - Foisting such a solution on your customers under the guise of a "performance feature" for a gaming system shows a total disregard for the customer.

Other faux pas would include

-Naming the PC the "'Havoc' Gaming Desktop" using nVidia GFX card(s) w/o recognizing the use of the homonym as used by AMD to describe their PhysX alternative.

-Oversizing the PSU at 750 watts in the Ti build adds nothing, if you are going to upgrade, why use some of that extra $200 not make it SLI capable ?

-The pics don't agree with the parts list.


Jan 5, 2016
I personally wouldn't purchase a PC from this company. For the amount of money you're paying you can get a better PC along with better service elsewhere. Instead of paying Xotic PC $2,630 for this build, an identical setup that is fairly simple to assemble yourself would only cost you $1,800. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/JmvMjX

I don't know about you guys, but I'd love to spend my extra $800 on better things. :sarcastic:


The motherboard in the pictures is not a Asus Z170 Pro Gaming motherboard! wth is goin on here? I have that MB in the photo and it is a MAXIMUS VII FORMULA
i have that mother board and i instantly knew it was different by the armor sheild cuts by the south bridge as well as the mofset sink was slightly different. i confirmed it by looking at it thru the window on my case at it as well.
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