XP sp4 ... worthwhile?


Your old rig, running Win 7 with so little memory, is going to perform very poorly. You really should leave the system with XP until the system dies.

USAFRet is spot on. Do nothing. Just let the old beast run, as is, until she croaks. No point in spending money on that system.

Windows 7 or other new OS is about $100.

A used first or second gen Core i3 or i5 business system with a legal Windows 7 license on the box and about 4 -8 GB of RAM can be found for $100-200 depending on where you buy it from. Which is about seventy eleventeen thousand times better then the Athlon 64 X2.

Take 12 seconds to think about the two options.... :)


Not a good idea, those are OEM licenses that are not valid to be sold outside the system they came with, or volume licenses from corporate accounts. A legal license for Windows is about $70+.

Your old rig, running Win 7 with so little memory, is going to perform very poorly. You really should leave the system with XP until the system dies.