XP to 10 Pro how to transfer files


Oct 28, 2011
I have a Windows XP service pack 3 that I need to copy files to a Windows 10 pro. Every device I have or bought doesn't seem to be compatible with XP. Thought buying a SanDisk Ultra would allow me to copy files but the oldest platform is only Vista that it will allow. Is there anything out there that I can get to do this? Appreciate any suggestions. Thank you. Barbara
I have 149 GB, bought a SanDisk Ultra flash drive, thinking it would do the trick, but when I ordered it online, it didn't note that it was only compatible with Vista and up. Is it possible that these products don't mention it might work with XP but thinking who still owns an XP?!

It should probably work.
Question from redsponger : "How to transfer files from XP service pack 3 to Windows 10 Pro"

An XP-era system (both the OS and mainboard's BIOS) might not recognize newer technology, from certain drives to encrypted thumb drives, etc...

Do you have DVD-burning software on your XP system? (An older USB flash drive, formatted for FAT32 ahead of time might also be an option)