Xp wont recognize usb mass storage device


Mar 7, 2012
When I hook up the device, it says USB device not recognized. I've tried reinstalling the drivers, I've tried updating them, I've tried everything I can possibly think of, and I'm still unable to get the pc to recognize the hardware. It obviously knows something is there, because it says that the drivers installed are ok, and compatible with Windows. HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!
It's actually a phone. A Samsung R380 Freeform III. You're supposed to be able to use it as a USB mass storage. I've troubleshot with samsung, and metro pcs, even thought they didn't have me do anything that I hadn't tried before. I don't know what to do now.
Wow, did you not read the part where I said I already talked to samsung? Also, if you don't know what you're talking about, please don't respond. The "special driver" you refer to is a driver that comes with all versions of Windows since WIN98. Thanks for nothing.

Yes, I DID read your message.

When a device requires a driver to be installed, like your phone does, it is no longer a Windows issue. Samsung needs to step up and provide you with help.

Also, Windows DOES come with drivers for NORMAL mass storage devices, but your phone is not a normal mass storage device. A phone is generally a composite device; a combination of mass storage and a modem.

BTW, I assume you have an SD card installed, and enabled the USB Mass Storage option in the tools menu (page 84 in the English manual)?
As a matter of fact, I've been over this multiple with samsung. The driver they use for the phone is the SAME driver. It is supposed to be read as a NORMAL mass storage device. Again, please stop replying if you have no ******* clue what you're talking about.
Stick to what you know brother. Just knowing about windows isn't enough. I probably know just as much, if not more about windows than you lol Don't but your nose it doesn't belong.