Warning: If you own a PC, Android or an non-asian male head, you may not want to buy anything from Xreal!
With that out of the way, let's go deeper.
I got curious enough from a former article like this to buy an Air² Pro 2 and I was seriously disappointed, should have really returned them, and didn't because I run some kind of curiosity cabinet as part of my job, which includes
near misses, ...some of which aren't even that close.
Brandon, "crosshairs" imply even a remote possibility to hit, and here this is clearly not the case: your headlines for Xreal are misleading.
So here are the details:
PC software drivers are part of the product, but not included.
Windows drivers have been promised, promised again "very soon now", been published as BETAs, but failed to arrive or work. I've tried with a vast variety of hosts from laptops with Alt-DP/USB3/4 ports to an RTX2080ti, one of the very few cards that supports an accelerated Alt-DP+USB port (see below for the longer story) and the Air² just fails at setup phase.
The only operational mode that works with PCs is using the glasses as a monitor in one of two modes:
1. THD at up to 120Hz with the displays for both eyes getting a mirror image
2. 32:9 at up to 60Hz with the display split in the middle so each eye gets half
That doesn't require any software drivers to work, but is a far cry from anything "augmented reality".
That can be a useful thing to own and operate e.g. in a train, but that's not what Xreal is advertising.
What exactly they are advertising is actually a little hard to fathom, because the material is mostly extreme detail rendering and beautified smiles, very little concrete features or explanations.
But it seems to entail or at least include the ability to create a wall of displays in a virtual space around you with the ability to move between them by turning your head.
That facility does not exist on a PC for lack of working software, even if it is advertised.
That is supposed to change "real soon now" but never did judging from the resports on the Xreal forum, which I can only recommend you dive into before buying: not doing that beforehand was my main mistake.
The first issue is IPD: its design point seems to be 60mm eye-to-eye and mine are 68mm apart, so the outer edges on both eyes are fuzzy. It may be ok for a movie, but it precludes desktop work, reading, writing, coding, browsing etc. because of the eye strain and the need to basically switch eyes on every line.
IPD cannot be changed on either side and there is only one version of the glasses that, according to the data I was able to gather, would work well with Asian males and Western females: Asian females and Western males would require either two additional sets of glasses or adjustability for ergonomic desktop-augmentation/replacement use.
What is adjustable is the riding height on your nose, but that may also not be enough for your head: that part worked for me, once I discovered how to adjust the angle of the temples.
The display within the glasses covers the upper central portion of your vision and that area is far from transparent when the displays are off: before reality is augmented in any way, quite a lot of it is subtracted first. Demandinig 100% transparency in the active display area may be impossible at the budget of these devices, but the level of blocking is too high to walk around safely with the glasses put.
Unfortunately that continues with the lower part of the glasses, which in theory should allow all of reality to pass through, unless you decide to turn it of in three levels with the "Pro" variant. Here simply having nothing at all or glasses that are really transparent would save some use cases.
As things are, reality has little chance to pass through at the zero blockage setting nor does it get entirely blocked at the 100% setting: Xreal delivers an extra cover for a reason, which --unlike your typical shades--isn't something you'd mount or dismount while wearing the glasses.
That pretty much eliminates one of the prime use cases I had in mind when I bought the glasses: using them as a secondary (and private) display during laptop work, or in fact while dealing with paper on a desk: far too little gets through and keeping the glasses clean would be a challenge with extended use.
PC platform issues
The Air requires a display port to feed the displays and a USB port to send back sensor (gyro/compass) data to the host who computes the spatial projections in active mode in a single cable.
And in active mode the host is responsible to compute the spatial projection.
Turns out there are practically no qualifying PCs that offer such a port
and the graphics power.
Only one of my many GPUs, an RTX 2080ti, offers a combined USB-(Alt)DP port, which should work with Xreal's beta drivers (it doesn't because the
latest BETA drivers from June 2023 don't support the Air² "yet").
None of the older and none of the younger dGPUs offer USB-C display outputs (which include the USB inputs), so Xreal doesn't get the sensor data is needs.
The laptops that do offer Alt-DP and USB on their USB-C ports (which are also often Thunderbolt ports), do offer the required interfaces but then fail to deliver the necessary graphics power to create the virtual screen projections at the required performance.
It's not that a giant performance seems required, because a current smartphone should be good enough. But from what I could gather from the sparse comments the (single?) Xreal deveoper posted in their forum, the typical Intel HD iGPUs do not qualify, so far they recommend an Nvidia GPU... which don't tend to have USB outputs.
Android platform issues
Google's drive to turn the open source Android ecosystem into a locked down Apple clone is closing the doors on things like functioning display port outputs on Android phones.
When Xreal started with Android 11, many modern Snapdragon based phones had both sufficient power and a working DP+USB3 port.
Since then new Android releases and newer generation hardware have closed doors that Xreal depends on.
There are no signs of that trend reversing and Android is disfunctional per [Google] design, another detail that Xreal fails to mention.
That situation would require regulatory pressure and custom ROMs to improve.
My personal judgement
Xreal's Air² Pro, just like all prior generations are not a product today. And pushing out "new" generations of what is sold as a product, when they may be at best judged extra iterations of a beta, doesn't bode well for any of those beta iterations ever becoming useful at a product level.
Xreal are heroes for trying to push the envelope who become the innocent victim of the giants persuing an ever more narrow and closed future for "their" platforms. But when they continue to push hardware that simply cannot perform at the level of their dreams to consumers, they turn from victim to villain simply by overselling.
The usefulness of Xreal is extremely limited today. If that niche is big enough for you go ahead and make sure you have a return option to protect you.
Otherwise I can only recommend you dive deep into the forum or stay away until they can deliver what you think they advertise.