Umm hey, I'm trying to stream csgo with my 4790k but I get pretty bad fps drops in game.. I need help tweaking my settings to the best possible ones so I don't have such a performance hit on csgo..
Currently I'm using "very fast" at 2500 bit rate and 1280x720p 60 fps..
I'm not dropping below 60 fps and I feel as if it's my settings in xSplit that is hurting my fps because an i7 4790k is good for streaming.. What setting should I use?
Currently I'm using "very fast" at 2500 bit rate and 1280x720p 60 fps..
I'm not dropping below 60 fps and I feel as if it's my settings in xSplit that is hurting my fps because an i7 4790k is good for streaming.. What setting should I use?