Xubuntu and NTFS (Writing)

PC tec

Oct 3, 2013
May be wrong thread, but I want to know if it is safe for xUbuntu (Ubuntu with the XFCE desktop) to write files to a NTFS drive (reason for NTFS is it will be transferred to windows). I was going to test it, but my testing hard disk died while writing files to the drive. I'm using xUbuntu for video editing and the external drive has my school computer's backup on it so no reformatting and installing any file system plugins(Windows side)
i have done it for almost a decade, nothing to report, be sure to have ntfs 3g installed and keep using it

about the problem you had, was it internal or exteral, what kind of problem did you had, dead as in dead or just partition problems?

It was an external drive and then grinding and clicking was heard when 6GBs were being copied (it was an old drive anyway). I am running tests as of right now, but nothing has shown up except 2 bad sectors.
if the hard disk is making noises, let the process run for 2 or 3 days, if it finishes, great, later delete txt files and all unnecessary stuff saved, if it hasn't finished after those 2 or 3 days, stop the process, it won't pass from that point

the problem with photorec is that it doesn't save names of the files, you have to rename files manually because it names files with a generic name