Question Y700-15ASK 80NV not powering on, no front or keyboard lights.

Feb 5, 2021
I have a problem, i closed my laptop yesterday and when i woke up it didnt work at all. The powerbutton has no lights, the screen doesnt come on the front lights dont come on. No fanspin or hdd sound.

I opened it up removed battery removed the little battery and plugged it back into the wall. The always on usb is still getting power and charging my phone. It stops getting power for 1-2 seconds when i press the powerbutton, how ever the laptop doesnt turn on. The 2R2 Resistor is toasty and the board on the top left is really hot aswell.
i have removed ram, ssd, wlan card, usb/headphone extension (next to the AC cable), audiocontroller and trackpad.
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If you've pressed and held down the power button while the laptop was disconnected from all power sources and the rams removed, then the problem is with the motherboard or the power input to the laptop. The fact that the resistor is warm means that it's receiving power from the wall courtesy of the power brick which rules out a faulty power brick.
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

If you've pressed and held down the power button while the laptop was disconnected from all power sources and the rams removed, then the problem is with the motherboard or the power input to the laptop. The fact that the resistor is warm means that it's receiving power from the wall courtesy of the power brick which rules out a faulty power brick.
Yes i have tried to do a powerdrain. I have read a few other threads on the same issue and those have been of no help other than diagnosing the powerbrick and (li-ion) battery to be good. Might be one for the repairshop...