Yes, You Will be Able to Upgrade Alienware's Steam Machine

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don't think so, just has to be portable and can stream stuff into the living room TV

some steam boxes will use laptop processors, how are you supposed to upgrade those?
don't think so, just has to be portable and can stream stuff into the living room TVsome steam boxes will use laptop processors, how are you supposed to upgrade those?
Many laptops allow you to upgrade the processors. The only problem is that you have to almost fully disassemble it.

well i mean they CAN be upgraded, but most people can't exactly just walk into Best Buy or log onto Newegg and purchase a mobility chip, those aren't usually available for consumers, not in any sizable quantities anyway, and they're expensive...
don't think so, just has to be portable and can stream stuff into the living room TVsome steam boxes will use laptop processors, how are you supposed to upgrade those?
Many laptops allow you to upgrade the processors. The only problem is that you have to almost fully disassemble it.
Actually, Alienware notebooks are pretty easy to upgrade CPU and GPU, or at least the M17 Rx3.
Soon after it's released people will publish mesurements of what you can put inside that case. It was obvious that this will be custom ATX buid. No surprise here... surprising was no upgrade announcement erlier... that made me think there will be bios limitation to hardware support.
Since Dell is involved, I wouldn't be surprised if everything was proprietary.Upgrade all you want...with parts available exclusively from the Dell store.

actually Dell has for the most part gotten rid of that policy, my dad is still a big Dell user and often upgrades stuff inside like the RAM or the CPU fans
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