Question Yet another Win 10 HDMI issues thread


Sep 17, 2014
Recent upgrade from Win7 to Win10. Love the under the hood stuff. But the interface and all the glitches are maddening. Case in point.

New Win10 build v. 1809
Intel i7 8700K
Corsair 16GB (2x8) DDR4 3000MHz
Gigabyte Nvidia 1660Ti
Corsair PSU
Dual monitors

All new hardware and build. Set up and installed Win10 before the video card arrived. I used one monitor via the onboard HDMI port until I received and installed the new card. (Gigabyte/Nvidia 1660 Ti)
New build worked while I waited for the card, using the MoBo HDMI port and my monitor After install of the new card, no signal from either the MoBo port or the video card HDMI port.

Display ports on supplying both my monitors work fine with the new PCI Nvidia card. However, the HDMI port supplying my television does not. All I get is a blank black screen, with no signal other than black. My television does, however, show this black screen, instead of the "No Signal" message I'd get if nothing were connected.
HDMI onboard port does NOT work now that the Nvidia card is installed, regardless of BIOS detection settings.

I've done the basic suggested fixes in Win 10 that I've found searching online, like re-installing drivers, attempting to identify, or detect a display, or set up multiple monitors in 'Settings.'

Other things I've done:
Television still works with Blu-Ray player and the same cables with HDMI.
Tried switching from onboard video to PCI and back for the first video detected in BIOS.
Tried a different cable, both to my monitors and to TV = same result
Tried two different monitors with two different cables.
Display ports work normally with or without HDMI connected.
Tried unplugging all but HDMI cable.

A couple of times, an "unknown device on PCI" was shown in the Device Manager. Deleting it and trying to get it to re-recognize and install, or finding a driver for the device resulted in nothing.

Hope someone can help, this has me buffaloed.
Model for your Corsair PSU? Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling your Nvidia GPU drivers? On that note, are you on the latest BIOS update for your motherboard? You might want to remove the CMOS battery from the motherboard and see if replacing ti after 15 mins changes your experience.
Thank you for replying.

It's a Corsair RMX Series (2018) RM650x
Yes, I uninstalled/reinstalled the Nvidia driver. It used to be that you had to wipe the old driver completely from your system, using other software to really ensure a clean repair. I wonder if that's still true? I only uninstalled and re-installed it.

I think I checked for the latest BIOS version when I got the board but will do so again.

Re-setting the BIOS is a good idea, will try that next.
New Information:
Tried two different cables, both at least 5-7 years old.
On bootup, with just an HDMI cable (no DisplayLink) to the monitor, I get the BIOS splash screen, and occasionally, the Windows Startup splash. Then all goes black. Sometimes, there is still signal (according to the monitor) and sometimes the monitor then reports "no signal."

Could it be the cables? Are there new standards for HDMI cables which are applied to my new Nvidia card, or to Win10??
I went looking for device conflicts, etc and found nothing. So, I started thinking about hardware. I removed the card, reset the BIOS and plugged HDMI straight into the MoBo. It worked fine, once again. Upon installing the card and re-setting the BIOS again, I was able to duplicate the issue. The Mobo and the rest of my PC are fine, the Gigabyte Nvidia 1660Ti causes the issue. Odd that the Display ports work, and the rest of the card seems to work fine, but the HDMI doesn't.
I RMA'd just now and will get a new one in two days. Hope that ends it!