"There are no such things as rights, nothing written or unwritten. " - Well with the advent of society this Kafkaesque notion of the individual in a sea of chaos doesn't really apply in today's structure (unless your a hermit, or the Batman)
"That is only done out of necessity that personal gain can come easier out of group gain.
Not quite what I believe in but a fact that it is only because we stand to gain by doing something that humans do, nothing selfless. " - Now you do raise an interesting point here, is goodwill in our nature or is goodwill necessary for the good of the group? Or has social evolution moved to the point where we are no longer driven by the need to dominate and survive (Personally i think that when you become self aware you can more easily reciprocate with the well being of others.
"If people who claimed humans have rights would apply that belief then it might have credibility but rarely do we do that. God has no part in anything humans do, even if they use it as a cover. " - No problems here this makes sense.
English is not your native tongue is it?