You need a DX11 compatible GPU to play Crysis 3


Aug 20, 2016
Hi! Recently I've got the urge to replay Crysis 3 on my new laptop hoping that because of the improved specs, I'll be able to get a better experience. After installing it from the disks though, the game returns the message "You need a DX11 capable GPU to play Crysis 3" or something along those lines. I can't wrap my head arouns this problem since : 1) I am using the dedicated graphics to run the game, NOT the integrated, and 2) I am using Windows 10 and after running dxdiag I've seen that I have DirectX 12 on my laptop.
After looking through some forums I haven't found a satisfying answer with people saying "tough luck, upgrade" but I can't believe that I was able to play this game on my old laptop just fine which indeed has DirectX 11. But after more looking I've found that DX11 is contained within DX12, so the problem has to be something else, hopefuly not hardware related.
Anyways here are all the specs for both laptops.

New Laptop: Acer Aspire V3 772G
*Intel core i7-4702MQ 2.2Ghz
*Nvidia GTX 760M 2GB (And I quote "The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760M is a upper mid-range DirectX 11-compatible graphics card for laptops")
*Windows 10
*DirectX 12

Old Laptop: Acer Aspire 5552G
*AMD Althlon II P340 2.2Ghz
*AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5470
*Windows 8
*DirectX 11

Thank you very much for any help that you may provide! I wish you a nice day!

I find more often than not, installing the Dx11 setup file from the game's redist folder works better, but I just checked my Crysis 3 directory and it doesn't have one. Since this is a laptop, I tend to think it's more likely the onboard graphics or power mode getting in the way, and I've seen people say that fixes the problem for them.


It's starting to look like, as Frag Maniac suggests, that the game is not seeing the DX11 for some reason. Another thing to maybe try is to run CCleaner and do the Clean and Registry portions both in case there is a Registry error of some kind preventing the game from running.