Your First Big Crush

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This is a very personal one, but just curious about you guys. What was you first crush like? Who was it? what was your experience before the crush, when it happened, what happened afterwards? What did you learn? Do you still know this person?


Man has this section ever gone down the toilet! :pfff:

Mine was a 1966 Silver Corvette Stingray Hard Top with Side Pipes! (I Loved That Car!)


Doggie, For the personal aspect of your questions regarding, "Who was it?", it's really NunYa Freaking Business!


That's a sweet car!

Nice car, mate.

I won't tell about my first crush. Too personal.
But it was a long time ago and i haven't see her for a while. (french girls... she could try to kill me, even after a so long time...)
Back in my days women were much different. More reserved and better manners.My crush was on one girl named Florence who I really admired and eventually fell in love with.It never worked out .
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