Question your opinion on RTX 4090 cable melting based on images.

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Mar 24, 2014
I have a RTX 4090 zotac, my PSU is cooler master mwe gold 1050 v2 atx 3.0 and i am using original psu 12vhpwr to 12vhpwr cable.
My pc case is touching the Gpu power cable slightly, so i need an expert opinion to know whether it cause any problems?
  1. cable inserted properly into the GPU?
  2. I want to know whether their is any chance of cable melting or burning based on the image?
Looks fine to me. The wires are going right into the pins and any bending is occurring well away from the photos you took. And it appears to be fully seated.

Only thing you could do is maybe run a benchmark and see how hot the connector is actually getting. I keep an IR Thermometer for such things.
The melting will happen only if the manufacturer messed up somewhere, it's not due cable placement. And it looks fine on pic.
Looks fine to me. The wires are going right into the pins and any bending is occurring well away from the photos you took. And it appears to be fully seated.

Only thing you could do is maybe run a benchmark and see how hot the connector is actually getting. I keep an IR Thermometer for such things.
Thank-you for your time and response bro :blush:
I am going to take a different view: cable melting of any sort is not good.

And with "pc case is touching the Gpu power cable slightly" more melting, vibrations etc. could eventually expose the conductors and cause a short. Likely to end badly.

Agree: monitor temperatures etc. but reroute the cable a bit, check airflows, and otherwise work to keep things cool.

I would also replace that cable - just as an additional precaution.
I have a RTX 4090 zotac, my PSU is cooler master mwe gold 1050 v2 atx 3.0 and i am using original psu 12vhpwr to 12vhpwr cable.
My pc case is touching the Gpu power cable slightly, so i need an expert opinion to know whether it cause any problems?
  1. cable inserted properly into the GPU?
  2. I want to know whether their is any chance of cable melting or burning based on the image?

If you heard an audible click, you should be OKAY for now. However even audible clicks and firmly seated cables have failed. This is why they have the revision #2 of the power cable. These cables are only rated for a few plug attempts.

As you are using the PSU supplied 12VHPWR cable, call/write the MFG (CoolerMaster) with your model and serial #. See if they have an V2 version cable which they should ship you for free. It is in their interest to do this for you because any failures could be a lawsuit on them.

That said, even V2 cables have failed when properly seated. The power cable bent being too tight is the most common problem. This causes the pins to shift and make poor contact resuling in electrical contact fault.

Check you cable about 1x/month to make sure it's fully seated. Also feel it during a marathon gaming session.
It shouldn't be so hot near the connector it burns your hand. A visual inspection should help also. But it will NOT fix cable bends that are too tight.

This connector design is one of NVIDIAs greatest failures since the poor solder joint issue on laptops where they denied warranties. They have a tendency to avoid paying out for thier mistakes.
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