Your pro opinion on a new build im wondering about.

Adam Butenko

Jan 18, 2015
CPU: Core i5-4440 3.1Ghz/Turbo 3.3Ghz
CPU Cooler: Nactua NH-D15
RAM: Ganeric 1600Mhz 2x8Gb
GPU: MSI R9 280X 3Gb (Oc-1150Core, 1650Mem) Arctic Extreme IV Cooler.
SSD: Corsair Force GT 120Gb (Sys)
HDD: 3TB Standart Sata3 7200
PSU: Seasonic 650W SS +80 Active

Need it for gaming, for now i got All same but the MOBO and CPU (Gigabyte 890xa-UD3, Phenom II x6 1100T)

Will i gain more Gaming performance after upgrade? (NOTE: Upgrade for free).
First and foremost I would change the SSD to 256Gb MX100, you will get much more longevity from a 256 SSD and you wont get much real life difference from the 3 year old Force GT vs the new and cheap mx100. They cost very similar in price except the mx100 256 has double the space which you definitely need for your games and windows.

Also, I would lose the CPU Cooler and get a GTX 970 instead of the 280X. The 970 is significantly better and the gain you get from a CPU is minimal compared to a better graphics card.
You can't overclock that processor so you don't need the cooler. Stick with the stock cooler or get a much cheaper one like the Hyper TX3 evo or Arctic cooling freezer 7.

That motherboard is OK but very basic, in terms of features I'd suggest looking at a H97 board like the Asrock H97 Pro4m instead.

If you can afford it, get a GTX 970 or wait till the 22nd of Jan for a 960.You don't need such a powerful PSU, the xfx core 550w is only 33 dollars on Newegg right now and that's an amazing price!

EDIT; I see you actually are only getting the cpu and mobo. Like I said, get a H97 board if possible. You should see definite improvement especially in games that are cpu-heavy
yeah, the main issue is MOBO and CPU.
I really love that 280X and i wont ever touch nvidias cards (only the titan, which i don need for now)

As i said, i got 1100T, which is similar to the i5-4440, interested if i gain anything of changing the cpus, and mobo as well.

again, the asrock mobo and the cpu are freebies, so i don care about future upgrades. talking about short term upgrades. i know the chipset isnt much (H81M) but will do for free.

About the PSU, i got 1 ssd and 3 Hdds, only the GPU consumes at max load about 250w+~ . 124w 100Load CPU.
And about the CPU FAN, im taking in mind that in my country , in summer it get over 35 degrees i do need a great piece of cooling device. plus lower end coolers are cheaper just a tiny bit, i prefer to get nactua with 6 years warranty and forget about it .

Btw, thank you for replay :)
How much do your have your Phenom OC'd? The i5 is definitely a better choice if its a free upgrade, provides a great upgrade path and is a lot more future proof. I'm not entirely sure how much better the i5 would be compared to the phenom tho