Youtube Account Picture


Jan 1, 2014
Hi Guys

So I might be getting a new computer soon, and I want to start a youtube channel. I've got one set up at the moment and it's called COUNTRYxWARRIOR. I will be doing Battlefield, DayZ, Minecraft and some Indie games. I have but one problem. I need an idea for an account picture. I am going to make the picture in photoshop. I have been brainstorming for the last day or two and have not come up with an Idea, so even the simplest idea could help.

Thanks for your help guys. I'm currently photoshoping one right now, it will have a green "cloud" shape in the background and CxW with the "C" connected with the x and W. Thanks for your idea Razer and thanks for your ewok. +1 😀
I honestly did not think of that myself 😀. It looks a lot better than what I have currently, so I might end up using that, or something similar. If you answered a couple hours earlier I would have made that the answer. Thank you for your help.

Swis721BlkOul BT (Swiss 721 Black Outline Bold Text)
then i pulled them closer together and trimmed some edges to get that shape.

if you want art... you need to specify the image size (pixel by pixel) size that the images need to be.
it also would be helpful if you linked a few youtube accounts where you like what they have for artwork.
a color theme would also be helpful.

if you liked RazerZ's signature, its the same font, but the non outline version. i just pulled the letters togther and used the shape as a border for an animation pulled from a video sequence.