Youtube and Republican Political Cartoons?

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Jul 8, 2010

When you see this Cartoons from College Humour on you tube, does these Green Energy Savings Efficiency plans, more energy more cost efficient and more traditional savings programs producing more economics at lower cost than the democratic party get these guys all A)Riled up-B) Younger C)As Mad as a Hatter in Cartoon Land
Some people age with grace as they get older or not as all; not younger and older and riled up, as in the Democratic Convention! To Much Cannon Unloading some time in terms of arguements!Or does it mean some people get dementia or senile eventually too much of those Guiness Beers with Nos inside I think, or toom uch I love to laugh like Benjamin Franklin in Mary Poppins Classics! Get some of those Videos as Picture in the Maxim Quote of the month award, I just need a thesis not a one liner! As long as jobs open up I Would vote any party that finds me a job with one of those Green Energy Savings companies or Solar Powered or Wind Energy! Weird stuff in you tube nowadays, paradox metaphors or too much literature girls gone wild, as oppossed to girls gone wild like vegas!

Doesn't matter to me as long as I get a Job, I'll vote Republican or Democrat, I need the cash and Like IT!

I didn't really understand much of what you wrote, but I watched the Mad Hatter video you linked to. It's merely a rehash of the same left-wing caricatures of the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, Fox News, and fiscal conservatives that we've seen by liberals in the past two years. The real funny part of the video is that the facts generally prove that the bailouts/stimuli didn't do much of anything and that we really are headed for a world of hurt due to the massive deficits and debt we have and do need to address it sooner rather than later. The liberals are the ones ignoring the facts in this case, not the conservatives.

Also, the whole "green jobs" bit isn't nearly as good as it is hyped up to be. First of all, the jobs themselves are mostly unskilled construction jobs, not the highly-paid jobs that they were purported to be. Secondly, the "green economy" of "alternative" things is nowhere near commercially viable and requires a huge amount of government subsidy to even try to stay afloat. Just look at the Chevy Volt. It costs north of $80,000 to build each one. If GM were to sell it and make any money rather than taking a $40,000 loss on each one, you'd be looking at a car that costs the same as a Porsche 911 or three to four Priuses. The "green jobs" bit is just a handout to backers of the Democrat Party at the expense of the American taxpayers.

Thats the problems with metaphors-similies and cartoon, its takes a MU-Enginneer to Decipher it! I'm A PC TEK-SOHO Sales Rep and A P.I In terms of Knowledge! What courses in Poitical Science would I take to comprehend these cartoons, or play that World Leader Political Science Game! Its difficult to get the meaning of the Artist or maybe he wants you to put your own spin on things! Reminds me of those political cartoons in the tribune criticizing-downsizing everyone! Don't Know what senators or representatives to read up on to relate only old news in Illinois!
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