YouTube (only) transmits as if mic in Teamspeak

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Jan 2, 2015
Ive read a hundred threads on this so let me quickly summarize what it is not:

- it is not the mic sensitivity picking up background sounds.
- it does not appear to be a teamspeak issue
- although i am using a Razer blackshark, it does not appear to be a razer issue
- although i am using chrome, it does not appear to be a chrome issue

Yes i have set my mic to default and my headphones to default.

Why do i think all of that - if i play world of tanks, with the ingame sound set at a deafening level, people on teamspeak hear nothing, not even a faint whisper.

If i then crank up slayer to max volume in my chrome browser google play, again they hear absolute silence, all of this on continuous transmission not PTT. they dont even hear a whisper or any echos, just perfect silence, or just my voice.

I can confirm all of that by going into teamspeak and hitting the "begin test" of my mic and cranking slayer as well, or system sounds, or world of tanks. the little bar doesnt even flinch slightly. no detected signal.

if i hit play on a youtube clip, it plays in teamspeak (and on my mic test) at full volume - not partial or slight as if it was picking up the headphones output, but full volume. a youtube clip at low volume skyrockets the needle, but slayer cranked to max volume doesnt even show a blip.

any ideas?? System sounds, everything else in chrome like google play music, winamp, world of tanks, world of warcraft (dont judge me!), all my 30 steam games, etc etc do not even have the tiniest echo or signal in teamspeak. but youtube is blaring at full volume, clearly directly broadcast and not being picked up by my mic itself.

i have tried both default, direct sound, and windows audio sessions.

EDIT - windows media player does it too!

I see :) didn't know you were using the front panel. Also you could check your audio cable inside your case to be sure that it's properly connected. Usually the cable has two connectors.. the blue one is the hd audio which you can control through the driver (the driver could also be bugged) the black one is for AC'97 audio which will most likely not have any configuration options through the driver. You only need to connect ONE :) choose which is best for you and which one is on your mobo (usually I prefer the hd one). Your motherboard will have the corresponding labels near the pins. In case it's connected the wrong way maybe that could fix it.
Also cases tend to be silly sometimes.. for example my front panel is wired vice-versa. It...
Oookay :)
My first thought after reading this was that you probably have your line in set as your microphone in the adobe flash player settings when you right-click a youtube video... but I since remembered that they kinda moved on to html5 player.
So maybe you have an older version of chrome and you need to update? or maybe you have some third-party mixer program or sound-tunneling application and forgot about some settings?.
I also remember teamspeak having an option of broadcasting your music - be sure to check that as well.. (can't verify cuz I don't have it installed atm)
And finally...
when you said you set your mic and headphones to default.. were you referring to teamspeak settings? if no, then check there as well..
if yes, then check the windows settings as well by right-clicking the volume icon on your system tray and selecting playback devices, then click your sound card (usually "Speakers") and set as default, do that for your microphone as well in the recording devices tab.
Let me know if you're having any progress with these :)
thanks for reply!!

In system tray, headphones are default playback and mic is default recording. it has two defaults actually, and both are set to both ( i hinhk one is default device, the other default communications device).

chrome is brand spanking up to date. and music played in chrome via google play works fine. its just youtube-via-chrome, and WMP so far.

when i said set to default, i meant in windows and teamspeak both.

I dont see any way in WMp to even set the audio output to be anything other than default. if theres a drop box in here, i sure cant find it.
SOLVED! Soooo annoying.

It turns out, if you have a Gigabyte mobo with realtek onboard audio, the front case 3.5mm connectors are just bugged. Even if you disable everything else in the realtek manager. even if you set stereo mix off, even if you set it to make all inputs separate and disable everything not tied down. no matter how hard you try to disable them, the rear ports merge with the front ports.

plugging my headphones into the rear ports fixed it instantly. i can play music cranked, youtube cranked, and people on teamspeak only hear my voice.

this also fixed a tiny, slightly delayed echo of other people talking to me that i thought was unrelated, and so minor i hadnt looked into it.

Id end this with a "never buy gigabyte mobos", but frankly every mobo ive ever bought from asus or msi or abit has also been a WTF piece of garbage.

I see :) didn't know you were using the front panel. Also you could check your audio cable inside your case to be sure that it's properly connected. Usually the cable has two connectors.. the blue one is the hd audio which you can control through the driver (the driver could also be bugged) the black one is for AC'97 audio which will most likely not have any configuration options through the driver. You only need to connect ONE :) choose which is best for you and which one is on your mobo (usually I prefer the hd one). Your motherboard will have the corresponding labels near the pins. In case it's connected the wrong way maybe that could fix it.
Also cases tend to be silly sometimes.. for example my front panel is wired vice-versa. It works well but the I hear the left channel on the right side and the other way around (will need to fix that when I have some time by soldering the wires the other way around).
And lastly in case of a hd-audio cable connection, your driver could have some silly hidden options (for example I can set whether my front panel acts independently and plays at the same time as the speakers.. or if the speakers should mute once I plug something in).
My mobo is from gigabyte as well thou it has a via audio chip.
Glad you found the problem thou :) Take care!
wow good info on the audio connectors to case, thx. I did discover a lot of cool options in the realtek control panel. none of them helped me, but im glad i know of them for future disasters =D
Well yea :) I'm still hoping we can fix your front panel as well so you don't have to stretch your headphone cable too much 😛
You could go ahead and check that cable in your case and see where does it connect to... You could experiment with the HD or the AC'97 connections depending on which one you have now till it makes your front panel work properly 😛
i may check next time im on the floor (my case is a pain to get to in my office) but funny enough, my cord is so incredibly long on my Razer BlackShark that it had been getting caught under my desk chair, and i had toset up this whole hook system to get the annoying long cord out of the way. connected to the back, its now the perfect size haha!
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