Z270 Motherboard w/ i7 7700k


Jun 20, 2015
Hi everyone!

I'm here to ask for advice on which motherboard I should get as there are so many. Here are the things that I need/don't need: (My budget is $100-250ish)
+ RBG is optional, although I don't wish to pay extra for it
+ Ethernet (pretty sure this is default)
+ Overclocking capabilities although it doesn't have to be water cooler compatible
+ I'll be using one gpu + 16 ram possibly
+ Doesn't force the gpu (1060) to overlap some important part of the mobo
+ I don't mind what brand although I've been told to look for ASUS/Gigabyte/MSI

Although I'm quite random with these wishes, I hope it helps to narrow it down.

Thanks :)

A bit pricy though, not available on amazon and newegg has it listed for $300
Do you already have the 7700K? because if not you'd be better off going for an i5 8400, or 8600K if you prefer overclocking. That's if your budget doesn't include the newer i7s of course. 2 extra cores make even the new i5s better than the older i7s.

If you have the 7700K already though, any Z270 board is ok if it has the features you want.

I don't have it at the moment but I'll be receiving it for free from a competition + I currently have an i5 4690k

You can order it online here... https://www.outletpc.com/zz5181-asus-rog-strix-z270e-gaming-motherboard.html?utm_source=zz5181-asus-rog-strix-z270e-gaming-motherboard&utm_medium=shopping%2Bengine&utm_campaign=pcpartpicker&utm_content=Asus%2B-%2BMotherboards%20%3E%20Intel%20LGA1151
But it will exceed your budget with shipping.

This board is a good alternative with all necessary features...

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Motherboard: Asus - PRIME Z270-A ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($158.90 @ OutletPC)
Total: $158.90
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-04-04 18:20 EDT-0400