Question Z370 gaming plus cpu confused?


Dec 12, 2019
MSI z370 gaming plus issue.
My son had a 9600kf cpu in this, but it got too hot as the water cooler var defective (i belive).
Om trying to get a replacement cpu, not necessary the 9600kf.
I've been using this site to se if my motherboard support the cpus, but the 9600kf dosent show up there. It did before, around a year ago.

Does anyone know another site than cpu-upgrade or can recommend an affordable ok cpu for gaming?
You should use the motherboard's CPU support list;
to verify what CPU's are and aren't supported. Third party sites tend to miss out on info or there's a chance that the content was written/rewritten with an err.

That out of the way, mind sharing the make and model of your cooler? Also, what is the make and model of your case(and how was the AIO oriented in your build)?