Z370 Motherboard not booting

Oct 17, 2018
Looking for help on a new build PC, can't seem to get it to start at all.

Asus Z370 Strix-E
Corsair Gold 1000W PSU
16GB Corsair Platinum RAM
Phobya 12V Pump
3 12V Fans
MSI 1060
8700K i7

So if i hit the power, the MOBO & LEDS will turn on for a split second before powering off again. Removing the 8-Pin EPS cable will allow the MOBO to power up, but obviously nothing happens as there is no CPU power. This is by no means my first build as i've been doing this for years - But this really has me stumped and i could do with a hand!

I breadboarded it and only plugged in the CPU, CPU fan (Into the correct slot, it wasn't the pump just a normal case fan) one stick of RAM the 24 pin and the 8 Pin ATX.

I've tried swapping around the RAM sticks as well as moving slots to see if that did anything, i didn't hear any beeps but i'm not sure if motherboard beeps are still a thing.

I tried returning the motherboard for a new one, however as soon as i sent it back i realised that the 7700 i had installed wasn't compatible so i bought i 8700 and returned the 7700. With the first board the only fault indication was a red CPU LED that powered on for a split second. When i got the second board and installed the new CPU i got the exact same result but without the red CPU LED.

I tried both of my PSUs on both motherboards, got the same result.

The only thing i can think to do is return the second motherboard? On the off-chance that the first motherboard was fine, just the wrong CPU generation and the replacement motherboard was infact a dud. The CPU was allegedly tested by the seller so i'm going to assume that works. I'm either missing something basic or need to return more parts. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I've tried that, new one got sent out today.. it's doing the exact same thing.. Any advice?