Z390 Aorus super slow USB 3.0 transfer speeds...


Sep 13, 2018
Hey, as title says really. I just built a new PC and have discovered that my USB 3.0 ports are transferring at really, really slow speeds.... 1Mb/s!!! Both front and rear ones. When I plug the same drive into the USB 2.0 port it transfers at normal USB 2.0 speeds.

In my device manager I have
2 x "Generic USB Hub"
1 x "USB Root Hub (USB 3.0)"
1 x "Intel USB 3.1 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10 (Microsoft)"

(I also have 3 x "USB Composite Devices", which I think are my mouse, keyboard and LED controller)

When I plug in the thumb drive (USB 3.0) it shows up as "USB Mass Storage Device" and it says it's driver is USBSTOR.SYS which is not the same driver as the USB 3.0 and 3.1 are using. Is that why it's slow?

I looked in BIOS settings and there is a "legacy USB" option which can be set to enable, disable or auto... it's set to enable. Could that something to do with it?
UPDATE: So today I noticed that under Disk Drives in Device Manager USB was setup for Quick Removal rather than Best Performance... changing that option upped speeds from 1Mb/s to 20-40Mb/s... which is better but still not the speed you would expect from USB 3.0 surely?

Isn't max USB 3.0 around 640Mb/s or something? So it's better but still only running at USB 2.0 speed. Any ideas, please?!?!