Since I'm going with an SSD as main Storage for everything I want to know if it comes already enabled?Also I've heard if it's not enabled in bios it's best to set it to AHCI before installing windows 7 to avoid problems,is it true?
AHCI(vs. IDE ) is a SATA mode you set in the bios.
It is normally the default.
AHCI is necessary to enable trim which helps SSD performance.
Just check to see that is set before loading windows. Nothing else is necessary.
The newer motherboards that I have dealt with are already configured with AHCI from the get go. Even then, it's a simple process that youtube or google won't be able to solve dependent on your mobo choice of course.
AHCI(vs. IDE ) is a SATA mode you set in the bios.
It is normally the default.
AHCI is necessary to enable trim which helps SSD performance.
Just check to see that is set before loading windows. Nothing else is necessary.