Zalman ZM500-LE psu

So, my friend might need a new, higher quality psu when he is upgrading to GTX960 from old GT640.

For now he doesn't know the current psu name. But it was a cheap one that was put in the pc in a pc store after old one broke.

Anyway, his budget is VERY limited. (working over summer for his money, yet majority of it going to his parents)
His whole budget is pretty much already spent on GTX960 + 2x4Gb RAM to swap old 2x2Gb kit (the same or similar kit can't be found anymore so he can't just get another kit like that)

He might be able to stretch the budget if he gets regular Gigabyte GTX960 Windforce 2Gb instead of Gaming G1 2Gb/MSI Gaming 2G.

Which brings us to the Zalman ZM500-LE. Is it high enough quality (at least Tier 3)? It's not in the Tier List so need some help since Zalman, as PSU maker, is unknown to me.
Well then, *his* hard-earned money. Can you find any other Seasonic, XFX, FSP, EVGA PSUs that matches the price range of that Zalman PSU?

EDIT: Some Zalmans have had baller reviews (for the older models, i think) but not sure about yours. Well, at least they have ever made good units
Take a look:

Also, take a look at the PSU Makers list here:,2913-10.html

Some Zalman units are made by FSP and Enhance, which is of a good quality. Again, not sure if yours is made by them.

Either way, it's an average unit at best, and if you can find units from...

Hmm....thought as much. Though would still like to hear a bit more specific answer than just "does not make good power supplies at all"
Like, if anyone has any idea what kinds of problems they/this might have etc.

I would personally go with quality ones from Seasonic, Antec, EVGA, etc. I'd never buy a PSU from a brand that I've never heard of (unless a friend or a reviewer states that it's good, that alone is if it was on sale with crazy price), let alone buying it with my hard-earned money. So be safe, take the quality ones, and good luck :)

I would too, but they are usually too expensive for my friend's budget. (He is living in Israel)
He found the Zalman and asked if it's any good. However, since I have no experience about Zalman's PSU, I came here to ask.

In case you missed it, this is NOT for me. I have a nice and good Corsair CX600 myself.
Well then, *his* hard-earned money. Can you find any other Seasonic, XFX, FSP, EVGA PSUs that matches the price range of that Zalman PSU?

EDIT: Some Zalmans have had baller reviews (for the older models, i think) but not sure about yours. Well, at least they have ever made good units
Take a look:

Also, take a look at the PSU Makers list here:,2913-10.html

Some Zalman units are made by FSP and Enhance, which is of a good quality. Again, not sure if yours is made by them.

Either way, it's an average unit at best, and if you can find units from decent brands with great price, go for it :)

Thank you, those were helping a bit. Now just need to find if the ZM500-LE might be made by FSP and/or Enhance.
I will tell him to try and look if he can find anything else, nonetheless.
If it seems hopeless to find anything else for good enough price, it seems ZM500-LE would at least be better than alternative: using PCI-E adapters on his current PSU.

EDIT: I found out that ZM500-LE is made by Hui Cheng Electronic Technology
So it is basically Tier 5 psu, I think.
At best Tier 4. So I will tell him to find something else.