20$ for a fan seems like a premium price to me. Doesn't seem special, especially since you don't see the blades when they spin, they have to perform well, from the article, these don't seem to move a lot of air for not a lot of noise.
You can tell these fans are good because the blade is shaped like a lightning bolt! Now all we need is some flames painted on for more power and maybe a little chrome.
we all know its scythe or go home (or corsair if you're a ricer or cooler master if you're on a budget or fractal if you want to be classy[\i])
The shop I worked at had issues getting Scythe for a while. And while they are nicer for some situations, they are not the best for all.
I am not sure on the Corsair ricer comment. Last thing I associated with ricer was the people who took Honda Civics and tuned them up yet Corsair is an American company. All I know is that Corsairs SP fans are some of the best for radiators due to their high SP.
we all know its scythe or go home (or corsair if you're a ricer or cooler master if you're on a budget or fractal if you want to be classy[\i])
The shop I worked at had issues getting Scythe for a while. And while they are nicer for some situations, they are not the best for all.
I am not sure on the Corsair ricer comment. Last thing I associated with ricer was the people who took Honda Civics and tuned them up yet Corsair is an American company. All I know is that Corsairs SP fans are some of the best for radiators due to their high SP.
we all know its scythe or go home (or corsair if you're a ricer or cooler master if you're on a budget or fractal if you want to be classy[\i])
The shop I worked at had issues getting Scythe for a while. And while they are nicer for some situations, they are not the best for all.
I am not sure on the Corsair ricer comment. Last thing I associated with ricer was the people who took Honda Civics and tuned them up yet Corsair is an American company. All I know is that Corsairs SP fans are some of the best for radiators due to their high SP.
I am seeing this again and again: zalman should stick to the lower end of the spectrum, they have some really nice stuff there. Their T4 (following up their t1) is awesome at the price, A nice case with maybe breakaway pci slots (except the top one) and maybe feeling a tiny bit flimsy but at a price of less then 30 euro's its still an usb 3 case with plenty of space and a decent look while also holding cable management in the back.
And their clip on mic is just the best thing you can get before you start looking into the higher teir mikes.
Other then that they have their fan mates and their cheaper fans but on the higher end they have not produced anything great in years.
I miss when Zalman use to make good stuff. I use to praise the CNPS CPU coolers and their videocard coolers were top notch in fact I still use their CNPS 9900 and VF1000.
Their fans however were not always the best. I see everyone using Corsair fans because of the color rings and gentle typhoon. Personally I went with Cougar fans because they move as much air at low noise and have a 18" cable as apposed to the 12" standard. That extra 6" does wonders when cable routing. I never see someone with a Zalman fan in their case when doing a build, NEVER!
I'm no fan scientist but wouldn't that blade design cause turbulence? I mean with all the hard corners and stuff that's bound to make more noise and push less air in the right direction.
If someone with more experience could weigh in I'd appreciate it
I would think changing the shape and thickness of the blades would have more of an impact than just offsetting a portion. I mean, that's how turbine blades work. With plastic it would be quite an easy feat compare to metal blades. Big Ass fans have thicker, narrower blades and move a ton of air. I don't see why that can't be scaled down.
I can't understand why anyone would be fans other than Cougar fans. CFM of airflow per db, they can't be beat. I run 4 cougar fans at a constant 100% and they are dead silent. I want to stick my head in my pc case on hot days to cool down.