

Jan 6, 2007
I'm sort of interested to know what everyone's opinion of ZipZoomfly. I was planning to order a lot of parts from them. There are two things that make me a little warry - hot products don't stay on their shelves very long, and they haven't answered an e-mail question I had.

They look like the have good prices and free shipping - are they pretty dependable? Anything I need to beware of?
A while back I bought something from because newegg didn't have and didn't have any problems. I mostly deal with newegg exclusively. Competitive prices, great service, and keeps a record of your purchases if you ever need a receipt or the specific model you got
ZipZoomFly is great, ive ordered a couple things from them. Newegg is faster though, it took zip 3 days to process my order, newegg had it processed, packed, and shipped in like 4 hours.
My opinion of ZipZoomFly?
They are not "consistantly" the lowest price. They have an occasional item that is a little cheaper.
When I built my system I found that Newegg was lower priced overall.
ZZF did supply me with a new video card last month. Shipping was flawless, as I expect of all vendors.
Bottom line---- when shopping ZZF is worth a look. Their daily "hot deals" email is worth signing up for.