Zotac 450gts wont work


Feb 7, 2013

I've uninstalled the internal graphics chipset. fan spins on new gpu zotac 450 gts amp edition but when I place the power to new card it won't load on monitor.
the motherboard is asus m5a7lx v2
amd bulldozer 41400 CPU and 450w psu 4gb ram don't get why it won't load.
Nothing appears to be faulty as the internal chipset works fine ,windows 7 64 bit ultimate edition.
Just seems windows wont recognize the card even tho fan spins no burning and worked in my friends computer

the card is connected via 6pin molex which it come with in box.
plug in the monitor to your integrated. go to bios and under integrated devices change from integrated graphics to pcie. save and turn off. plug your monitor into the dedicated graphics and see if you get signal