Zotac Gaming GeForce RTX 2080 AMP Review: Cooler Than Nvidia’s Founders Edition

Hey John Nemesh, when your whole life flashes before your eyes, how much of it do you want to spend trolling every Tom's Hardware article with "Just buy it"? Not everyone shares the same opinion as Avram Piltch; you don't have to be a sheep and spread the toxicity.
I just picked up a refurb GTX 1080 a few days ago for $430, I couldn't wait, my 1060 6GB was giving me issues and the warranty was about to expire at microcenter (so it was $250ish with the trade up, including a new 2 year microcenter warranty). After reviewing these benchmarks I feel good knowing I made the right decision. Saving $400+ while only losing 5-25 FPS is an easy decision for me.
Lol ' prices change rapidly '. No, no they don't, not for consumers buying thru normal channels, including online. Wish they didn't spread misinformation like that, smh.
Price did change rapidly for 2080Tis. Keep the ''Lol'' to yourself because pretty sure it's not possible for you to follow stores from different countries to check availability of some of these AIB cards. Maybe you aren't even a potential buyer!