Zotac GTX 660 Ti amp vs Sapphire HD 7950 3GB ddr5

Depends on the game and quick AMD are with their drivers

Newer games run better with NVIDIA as games are optimized for them and Nvidia usually has quicker driver turn around time
In the long run AMD tends catch up and exceed

here are some older games (the sapphire 7950 is the boost one, expect it to be 10-20% faster than 7950 shown here)

In newer games (meaning less than 3 months old) Nvidia does better

I would take the 7950 personally as I want that extra VRAM and also I don't pick up games as they launch, I wait for sales so by that time, AMD usually has caught up with drivers

While the AMP cards tend to be the stronger of the factory overclocked cards from Nvidia. I would also say that the 7950 would be the better option. The 660Ti is a great card however unless you are after things that nvidia offers feature wise then a AMD card will normally come ahead value wise at least of late it has. This withstanding the cost of a 670 versus 7970 where the 670 comes ahead in Price per performance.
In terms of performance, both at stock clocks it is pretty close but once overclocking is taken into consideration, the 7950 really pulls ahead by a lot. I have a 660ti (1225/7000) in my HTPC and a 7950 (1200/7000) in my gaming rig and the 7950 is much faster over almost all games.

crysis can use more than 3gb vram? sounds like a load of BS to me. and i doubt an OC'd 7950 can beat an OC'd 680, maybe in a cherry picked benchmark with unstable OC.
I believe it (ram usage) based on the frames people are getting even with the most current cards i believe it.
And you are probably right it would probably be a cherry picked 7950. That or perhaps water cooled who knows. A card is only as good as what it comes stock when you receive it.
Needless to say we are only diverting further from whats the topic here he is considering the 660Ti versus the 7950 and I would say the 7950 has a stronger performance record and typically not all the time it seems like the 7950 has really good overclocking "potential"
And on top of that you get Crysis 3 and Bioshock Infinite which is a far better deal then 150 dollars in FTP games.

I guess you have not played Crysis 3 highest setting 2XSMAA 1920x1200 I use 1946MB!! What would happen if I used 4X MSAA??

You do not understand the scaling advantage Tahiti has over Kepler!

i like the idea of quad sli does the AMD card offer quad crossfire. also i have a AMD FX8320 cpu, would the CPU being AMD help the AMD card any. also u say OC is easier on the AMD cards?
GTX 660ti can't quad SLI but 7950 can 4 way Crossfire. There is no reason to go tri SLI GTX 660 Ti or 4 way Crossfire 7950. No, the AMD CPU will not make running AMD GPU better. I doubt your CPU can handle tri SLI GTX 660 Ti or 4 Crossfire 7950. Are you planning to run a bitcoin farm?

theres no scaling advantage i just didnt realise crysis 3 could chew up that much vram. not that it ever will on my machine because it wont run well on such high settings anyway, but thats realistic on a gtx680 or 7970, bet go for the 4gb 680/670 if going for that model then for a little futureproofing.

Scaling as in overclocking, the memory part is evident Crysis loves bandwith/vram and lots of fast cores!