Question zotac rtx 3060ti fan problem

Why? Why did you cross country borders to buy the GPU? Was it cheaper? And you were willing to risk no warranty?

Btw, video sounds normal to me. Just a fan spinning fast, with airflow noise.
It was 50% cheaper i just had to

The fan irl sounds like it is hitting something at around 1750 rpm
It was 50% cheaper i just had to

With the 50% money you saved, you can buy 2nd GPU from that another country and hope it doesn't have the same issue.

The fan irl sounds like it is hitting something at around 1750 rpm

Nothing to hit there, unless that specific RPM range resonates with fan bearing, making the sound appear.

All-in-all, you can be happy that you bought cheap GPU, but since you can't make a warranty claim on it, you have to live with the GPU you have, while comforting yourself with the idea that you only payed half of what it is actually worth.