Recent content by Jonathan Schiller

  1. J

    [SOLVED] Signal disconnecting and crashes... graphics card issue?

    Try taking out the GPUs one at a time. If one card is dieing on crossfire it may explain the res crashing.
  2. J

    Screen tearing in most games (with V-Sync)

    Screen tearing happens when your GPU is pushing to high or to low of frame for your display to show. As You are using Nvidia 10 series cards, I would suggest you disable the vsync in games, and enable the Nvidia Fast Sync from the Nvidia control panel. Vsync is an out of date setting anyway.
  3. J

    Accidentally Uninstalled Integrated Graphics Help

    We need more info on your system, like what hardware, OS, ECT...
  4. J

    Screen tearing in most games (with V-Sync)

    What monitor are you using?
  5. J

    Help upgrade my pc

    PUBG is a very CPU intense game, so your A8-6600k will be a bottleneck there. If you plan on keeping your cpu go with a gtx 1050ti, it's about 2x faster then your onchip gpu. If you plan on upgrading the CPU in the near future I would go with the Rx 570 or gtx 1060.
  6. J

    Upgrading really old card | low/mid-end pc

    What are your expectations for the upgrade? I see you have the gt 240, that's a really low end card. Even a gt 1030 would be a huge jump. If you plan to game at 720p both the 1030 and 1050 would be fine. If you want 1080p the 1050ti would be your starting point, but anything over that and you...
  7. J

    Should i upgrade the gpu or the cpu firar

    What gpu are you planning on getting?
  8. J

    Which Upgrade Should I Go With?

    I agree with M04D18, the 1080 ti is overkill, the 1050 to and the 1060 are great cards, unless you will be doing VR, then I would go for the 1070. That being said The AMD Ryzen 7 1700 is on sale at Amazon for 270$ making it a tempting offer over the i7
  9. J

    Which Upgrade Should I Go With?

    Changing you gpu would give you the biggest performance boost. An 8350 will bottleneck a 1080 ti, but not as much as your 750 ti will bottleneck a Ryzen 7 or I 7. That being said I assume this is a gaming build based on the parts. With pc gaming the gpu is the main performance pusher. For...
  10. J

    BSOD, google chrome and ram issues. Almost unusable PC

    Both errors are for bad drives. After the bsod THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED there should be the name of the file that crashed in (parentheses) once you know what driver is the problem, make Shure you completely uninstall it befor reinstalling.
  11. J

    Crashing after 5 mins of gaming with black and white lines

    The EVGA SuperNOVA 650 G1, 80+ GOLD can be had for under 100$. And comes with a 10 year warranty. Also checkout this thread a bit old but still good
  12. J

    Crashing after 5 mins of gaming with black and white lines

    Though if i were you I would change out that PSU either way. Tier 6 are not stable psus, especially under load
  13. J

    Crashing after 5 mins of gaming with black and white lines

    It could very well be the PSU. The easiest way to test it would be to swap it out. Or you have the experience you could test it with a multimeter. But that can be dangerous if you don't have the know how. A psu swap is fast, and if it not the problem, you can always return the new psu.
  14. J

    Crashing after 5 mins of gaming with black and white lines

    Looks like you are having a power issue. Check your psu and gpu, though I would check the gpu first. The hd 7900 series are known for having system crashes at the end of there life. At the same time your psu uses tier 6 components, really bad for gaming. Anything over tier 3 is prone to doped...