[SOLVED] Crashing and memory issues with PC that is only 6 months old


Jan 18, 2019
Hi there,

I've been having crashing and memory issues over the last month or so with my computer that is only over 6 months old. I've attached a few screenshots here of the kinds of pop up messages that I get when using certain applications: https://ibb.co/4SRTWWM

When I first had gotten the computer I experienced no issues with running a crazy amount of tabs in Google Chrome or having multiple applications running at the same time. However over the last month I get these weird pop up messages when using certain applications every now and again and randomly Chrome will freeze and the screen will go black. Sometimes I have to restart my computer. I've updated my graphic cards driver and the problem still persists.

Also I've been having this weird issue with the mouse cursor on the screen sort of stops and starts now and again almost as if it's getting stuck. It got so annoying that I replaced my mouse with a new one about 3 weeks ago and the problem still exists unfortunately.

My specs are as follows:
Ryzen 3700x
16GB Ram
ASUS TUF Gaming X570-Plus
RTX 2070 Super

I'm a bit worried that I've gotten some sort of virus that takes up a lot of my RAM or something. I have a significant amount of RAM so I don't understand why this is happening to my PC all of a sudden.

Any helpful information would be much appreciated!

Kind regards
What's the least finicky way to wipe and install Windows? I installed Windows on this PC(which I built myself) by downloading the installer onto a USB key so I know how to install through this method.

But what's the best way to wipe my SSD boot drive? I hardly need to wipe the other two storage drives that I have?

Are you sure there isn't something other than MalwareBytes that I could use to identify the problem?

Before you do wipe your SSD it would be worth you time to use an offline virus scanner or two that can look at everything including the boot sector of the drive...a virus can hide anywhere even in system ram between reboots. Bitdefender is a solid anti-virus...Microsoft's default is decent these days too.

The most...


Jan 18, 2019
check ram usage?
storage? how full it is?
Whenever Chrome freezes up and I go to the task manager to check ram usage it's close to maybe 70 percent approximately. In the past I could have a million tabs open and nothing bad would happen.

I have about 45 tabs open in Chrome at the moment and my ram usage in task manager is currently 50 percent.
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Jan 18, 2019
" I get these weird pop up messages "

Might be good to remember what they are and tell us.
In the first paragraph of my post I attached a link to a screenshot of three of the kinds of pop up messages that I am talking about. I'm not sure how you missed that link considering it was in the first paragraph? Are you able to see the link? If not please let me know and I'll re post it.

Here is the first paragraph of my original post again:
"I've been having crashing and memory issues over the last month or so with my computer that is only over 6 months old. I've attached a few screenshots here of the kinds of pop up messages that I get when using certain applications: https://ibb.co/4SRTWWM "
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Jan 18, 2019
You sure you don’t have a virus?
Well that's what I'm trying to figure out. I already ran a MalwareBytes scan and it didn't show any viruses or malware.

I'm worried that I may have one of those "Bitcoin mining" viruses or something along those lines. It could explain the reason why I get these weird pop ups and why I'm having memory issues even though I have a healthy 16GB of ram.
I've never downloaded that many torrents with this computer. Maybe only a hundred or so...
Ok ... What are virtual memory settings then?
Have you ever tried disabling virtual memory paging file?
(Control Panel\System\Advanced System Settings\Advanced\Performance\Settings\Advanced\Virtual Memory\Change)

Disabling virtual memory paging file can cause such errors. You should not do that.
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Jan 18, 2019
35'000 MB paging file!? That is crazy.
Set it to 1'000MB initial, 16'000MB max and reboot your pc.

Okay I've changed the pagefile sizes as you suggested. I've tried to understand what pagefile actually does online but I don't really understand what its function is?

In other words what advantage would there be to increase the pagefile's max setting to greater than 16GB? Does it mean that my applications will run more smoothly?
I've tried to understand what pagefile actually does online but I don't really understand what its function is?
In other words what advantage would there be to increase the pagefile's max setting to greater than 16GB? Does it mean that my applications will run more smoothly?
Watch the video.
Generally you want virtual memory used as little as possible. Excessive use of virtual memory slows down system considerably.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeOBEOBJREs



Jan 18, 2019
Watch the video.
Generally you want virtual memory used as little as possible. Excessive use of virtual memory slows down system considerably.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeOBEOBJREs

Hi again,

So as I stated previously I've followed all of your advice and changed the pagefile to what you recommended.
However last night the same error pop up message happened again while using Chrome. I've uploaded a screenshot of it here: https://ibb.co/gR2tgLJ

So I don't know what to do? I've already scanned the system using MalwareBytes and nothing showed up in the scan results.

Deleted member 14196

Not when dealing with needles and haystacks it isn’t. Your data should all be backed up and safe so reinstalling only takes about 10 minutes. You are wasting your time on a problem you’re probably never going to find

This sounds like some serious kind of malware or virus that isn’t being detected and that’s the only safe thing to do in my opinion

The fact that you messed with virtual memory and it didn’t have any affect alone tells me that you’re never going to find this. You should never have to mess with virtual memory windows is smart enough to handle it in all cases these days


Jan 18, 2019
So - chrome is crashing. Could be some chrome addon/plugin causing it.
Try Firefox, Opera, Edge instead.
But see that doesn't explain the other weird messages that I get when using other applications: https://ibb.co/4SRTWWM

I've never gotten these kinds of messages before when using applications on this PC over the last year or so.

I forgot to mention that I installed a new 4TB HDD into my PC for storage purposes about a month ago. So I use a 1TB SSD drive as my boot drive and then I have a 2 TB HDD and another new 4TB HDD for storage purposes.
Would the new 4TB HDD have anything to do with these things?

Deleted member 14196

It’s easy enough to test disconnect the hard drive boot up and try the computer and see if that has anything to do with it which I doubt