Question Good picture recover software for LARGE number of pictures.

Big D

Dec 21, 2009
I have a WIN20 commputer with three extenal drive. And WIN 120 update from my computer and I had to use my covery disk. However many of my TB's ofi mages became corrupt i.e. filename lost; images not showing or show "x" Thee flle type seem intact. My backup on my hard drives have the same problems

Note: many of my other non-image files have similar problems (doc, xls, pds,databases)

I purchased Stellar Picture recover and it seems to work well on the images, but is has a BIG problem. It will only loads harddrives to scan. Their scan take 3-6 hours and returns a drive full of all types of fles. To get images is has to "recover" those from this "RX"folder wich seens as big as a harddrive, which results in "recover" [another scan] of the drive for images, which takes, generally several more hours. If I could direct Stellar to folders of image, I could cut this total scan time by 75%. Remember, I have a least 3 large estenal drives and I could save me 30 hours or more scannig time.

I got with their suport and after hours on the phone, that there is no work-around for this issue.

Is there another program that accomplishes the restoratipn of images, but hase the ability of me directing the program to a folder and not a whole harddrive?

Thanks in advance.


Curmudgeon Pursuivant
If you have saved files that you can access and the process is working, the time is irrelevant. By the time you find a slightly faster solution, you'll have spent so much time that you could have just done the slower solution in the first place.

Big D

Dec 21, 2009
The difference in time is maybe 50 hours a week,over a month or more.

I have one to two million images. After my crash and attempt to restore them using backup, I have about 1/2 or of the images corrupted. Using Stellar though testing, I am recovering most of the corrupted images. The problem is that you can only load the images for scanning via entire harddrives ( have 6) and takes 5 hour for them to scan the driver and then requires me another 3 or more hours to wade through the results of the scan and eliminate the databasesm, spreadsheets, pdfs, etc. (note: I will have to deal with those later using other service.

I am looking for a program that RECOVERS corrupt images by scanning them from folders, not from entire hard drives which have unrelated files (i.d. databases, spreadsheets, docs, pdf's, etc.), but from folders which are already in existence.

Thanks. rdg