Question I need to know

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Dec 26, 2022
So what kind of carburetor should I get for my 1970 stock 340 wedge engine? I looked on google, but all the answers didn't seem right. Please help as I am confused.

Math Geek

the first question you should answer is what is the purpose of the engine?

are you looking for a drag car? track car? highway cruiser? daily driver to and from work and the grocery store?

every use wold have a different answer. your budget of course will also play into the answer as well.

this might be why you feel the answers you have seen elsewhere are "wrong" for you. they might be pointing in a different direction than you want to go.!!

for performance carbs and parts this guy sells just about anything you could want for a performance engine carb . if you are thinking high performance engine, this guy is a great resource and a nice guy as well. i know he sells and ships 100+ items a day up to and including fully modified carbs (that he builds personally and tests in his shop) aimed at specific tasks. he's the source of most local drag racers in my area.

keep in mind this is not for a daily driver or casual use, but for racing uses :)


Dec 26, 2022
Even dedicated car sites don't have the right answer...I do, but I'm not telling. I just wanted to see how many kids would answer with something LOL. There's actually 3 fairly correct answers and I will gladly give someone a star!
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