Question PSU make crackling noise while only using 6 pin on 8 pin GPU


Sep 8, 2020
Hey, so i have PC with Seasonic GX-550 PSU and Gigabyte RX 580 GPU, which has 8 pin connector. Somehow i think the GPU died, because the PC won't turn on if the GPU is installed, while it will turn on without any problem if the GPU is taken off and using the iGPU.

Well, in one of my stupid attempt to check the GPU, i only plug 6 of the 6+2 pin cable to the GPU. Then when i want to switch the PSU on (using the power switch on the PSU), it suddenly makes audible crackling sound. Immediately i switch the PSU off again. Please note that when the whole 8 pin of the 6+2 pin is inserted, the PC won't turn on but no crackling noise.

After that attempt, i just give up and take off the GPU and using the iGPU for the time being. So far there is no problem at all. But i just want some assurance, is my PSU fine? Thanks



"Yes, it's the cable that come with the PSU, although i haven't tried changing it yet, should i? There are multiple cable in the box"

Use only the cables that came with the Focus GX PSU. (Reference Section 4.4 of the User Manual.)

= = = =

Hopefully there is simply some mis-connection or loose connection.

Power down, unplug, clean out dust and debris. Check all slots and ports.

Verify that all cables, cards, RAM, jumpers, and case connections are fully and firmly in place. Especially case connections.

Connections and seatings may be tight but they should not need to be forced in any manner.

Read/review the motherboard's User Guide/Manual and do the same the PSU's documentation including the documentation for any other components installed in your PC. Pay close attention to all fine print and warnings. Details matter.

Inspect for signs of damage: Bare conductor showing, pinched or kinked cables, melting, browning or blackening, loose or missing screws, cracks, swollen components. Use a bright flashlight to help. Take your time.

The immediate objective simply being to look for, find, and correct any errors of omission or commission.