The scar is one of the Assault Rifles and is said to be the big brother of the M16 gun. Well, there is no denying to the power of this gun as it can do a lot of damage if the range is right. The gun comes in Epic and Legendary variants and can give you an edge over players who are using simple Assault Rifle.
To dominate with the Scar rifle, take a look at the guide below:
Hard to Find:
This is true, unlike other Assault Rifles that are sprinkled over the map, this beast is hard to find. The gun is available in Epic and Legendary rarities and cannot be found sitting somewhere on the map. To get its Epic of Legendary rarity, your best bet is to open up chests. Because it can only be found inside loot chests. Also, besides the chests, you may find it in the loot dropped by other enemies. So to get this gun, your best bets are chests and enemies. Don’t wander around looking for it at random places.
Good for Medium Range:
When it comes to range, the gun has a decent range that ranges from medium to long. Though it is most effective at short range as all weapons are, it can do a lot of damage from medium range as well. If you are trying to shoot an enemy from a long range, then remember that you may not be able to kill them in a few shots. It is suggested that you reduce your distance from the enemy gradually while shooting at them. This way, you will achieve a medium range from a long one and will be able to kill that enemy before he gets away.
Great Accuracy:
There is no denying the fact that Scar has incredible accuracy. Besides the factor of bloom at play, this gun shoots the bullets very close to the target even if you are firing from a long range. Just make sure that you aim properly by taking a second or two before you start shooting from a long range. This way, your shots will go very near to where you aimed if not exactly at that spot and seeing the factor of bloom, it’s a good thing that you can achieve that accuracy from a long range.
Don’t ADS in Close Combat:
Very important tip, no matter what type of enemy you are facing, if you are in close range combat, always try to fight without ADS (Aim Down Sight). ADS means when you use weapon’s sights instead of your crosshair. While the ADS provides good accuracy, it simply doesn’t work in close range combats as it takes some time to aim in short range combats and that amount of time can get you killed. So with Scar, make sure always to use the crosshair when you are dealing with close combat.
These are some of the most important tips regarding the Scar rifle. These will help you get the best out of the weapon in the long run.

To dominate with the Scar rifle, take a look at the guide below:
Hard to Find:
This is true, unlike other Assault Rifles that are sprinkled over the map, this beast is hard to find. The gun is available in Epic and Legendary rarities and cannot be found sitting somewhere on the map. To get its Epic of Legendary rarity, your best bet is to open up chests. Because it can only be found inside loot chests. Also, besides the chests, you may find it in the loot dropped by other enemies. So to get this gun, your best bets are chests and enemies. Don’t wander around looking for it at random places.

Good for Medium Range:
When it comes to range, the gun has a decent range that ranges from medium to long. Though it is most effective at short range as all weapons are, it can do a lot of damage from medium range as well. If you are trying to shoot an enemy from a long range, then remember that you may not be able to kill them in a few shots. It is suggested that you reduce your distance from the enemy gradually while shooting at them. This way, you will achieve a medium range from a long one and will be able to kill that enemy before he gets away.

Great Accuracy:
There is no denying the fact that Scar has incredible accuracy. Besides the factor of bloom at play, this gun shoots the bullets very close to the target even if you are firing from a long range. Just make sure that you aim properly by taking a second or two before you start shooting from a long range. This way, your shots will go very near to where you aimed if not exactly at that spot and seeing the factor of bloom, it’s a good thing that you can achieve that accuracy from a long range.

Don’t ADS in Close Combat:
Very important tip, no matter what type of enemy you are facing, if you are in close range combat, always try to fight without ADS (Aim Down Sight). ADS means when you use weapon’s sights instead of your crosshair. While the ADS provides good accuracy, it simply doesn’t work in close range combats as it takes some time to aim in short range combats and that amount of time can get you killed. So with Scar, make sure always to use the crosshair when you are dealing with close combat.

These are some of the most important tips regarding the Scar rifle. These will help you get the best out of the weapon in the long run.