How To Change The Password On Your Router


It's hard to find an establishment or a crib without wireless internet connectivity. At the heart of all these wireless possibilities are either routers or access points which are often prone to outside interference in the form of unwanted users. You can safeguard your wireless internet and perhaps content meant for your household only by changing the password on your router. Regardless of it being wired or wireless the principle is the same. This tutorial will show you how to change the password on your router.

    ■Open your web browser and type in By default this is the go to number for any router. This number can and will vary but it will be stated in your router's manual. For the sake of this tutorial the router used as an example is the Asus RT N-56U.

    ■You will be greeted with a username and password screen similar to this.

    ■If the router is newly opened, type in admin and admin in both fields as they are the factory values. If that doesn't work, please look around the router(most often under or atop of) to identify a tag or a sticker on which the necessary log-in information is given.

    ■Scrolling down towards the left hand pane, click on Administration.

    If you're using a router made by TP-Link or the likes Administrative tools would be located at the left hand pane.

    ■Click on System.

    ■Change the password to one which is hard to figure out(for others) yet easy enough to remember. You can write it down on a piece of paper but be sure to keep it away from prying eyes. This will also be a good opportunity to change the login name to complicate others trying to log in to the device.

    ■Click on Apply and wait for the settings to take affect.

    This will be signified when the web browsers router page will refresh automatically and ask for your authentication credentials to log back into the router.

You have successfully changed the password for your router.