Windows 10 BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO error can be either a registry error or a windows boot file error. It can result in a BSOD or failure for your computer to boot. Fortunately, there are a couple of ways to address it. Here is how you can fix Windows 10 BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO error.
We primarily use the command line to address the issue. One method requires the copying and replacing of the registry so it might be a good idea to save all your important files somewhere safe if you can boot into your machine.
Fix Windows 10 BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO error
Our first attempt to fix the error is to boot into Safe Mode. After that, it’s all done within a CMD window. Hope you’re comfortable in the command line!
1. Click the Windows Start button and click Power.
2. Hold down the Shift key and click Restart. Your computer will now boot into Safe Mode.
3. Reboot once more into normal mode.
This can often reset the error and stop it happening. If it doesn’t, move on to the next method.
1. Boot from your installation media and select Troubleshoot instead of Install.
2. Use Windows System Restore to rebuild your system.
1. Boot from your installation media and select Troubleshoot instead of Install.
2. Select Troubleshoot, Advanced options and Command Prompt.
3. Type or paste ‘bootrec /repairmbr’ and hit Enter. This will rebuild the Master Boot Record.
4. Reboot your computer and retest.
Finally, if none of those work, we are going to do a little command line trickery to make a fresh copy of your registry. This is involved, so be very careful what you type.
1. Remove power from your computer and retry boot.
2. Remove the power once more and allow to boot.
3. Remove power a third time and allow to boot. It will likely say ‘Preparing Automatic Repair’. This is what we want. Allow the computer to diagnose the issue. It will likely fail and deposit you back at the startup screen.
4. Select Advanced options when you see a blue screen (not BSOD).
5. Select Troubleshoot, Advanced options and Command Prompt.
6. Type or paste ‘cd c:\windows\system32\config’ and hit Enter.
7. Type or paste ‘MD backup’ and hit Enter.
8. Type or paste ‘copy *_* backup’ and hit Enter. Allow the file copy to complete.
9. Type or paste ‘CD regback’ and hit Enter. You should see some files listed that include Default, SECURITY, Software, SYSTEM.
10. Type or paste ‘copy *_* ..’ and hit Enter.
11. You will be asked to confirm copy, type ‘a’ and hit Enter.
12. Reboot your PC.
If this final step doesn’t work, I’m afraid it’s time for a Windows re-install.
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