Recent content by 1337sune

  1. 1337sune

    Computer randomly turned off

    leave the psu unplugged for 5-10 mins, problem should be solved. (probs brown out or voltage spike) it should be fine after that.
  2. 1337sune

    Performance of 1GB of RAM and 16GB SSD pagefile?

    quote "It is enough for Windows 10 32-bit. You will need at least 2GB for Windows 10 64-bit though." Also the experience would be horrible with only 1gb of ram
  3. 1337sune

    Which laptop is better between these two?

    What are you going to use it for, also the processor is the same unless the link is diffrent. also the asus has 256gb of pcie ssd
  4. 1337sune

    Performance of 1GB of RAM and 16GB SSD pagefile?

    An ssd cant be used as Ram, 1gb of ddr3 would not meet W10 specifactions.
  5. 1337sune

    upgrading the cpu

    Wait for ryzen 5 and buy then. your cpu is not worth upgrading atm unless your going for those ultra settings
  6. 1337sune

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070, Stuck at 600 Mhz Core Clock?

    what is the idle temps on your gpu/load temps.(download HWmonitor if you dont know how to see that)
  7. 1337sune

    Calling All Ryzen Content Creators

    I would stay with I7 4770k, the performace diffrence should not be so diffrent from what you are using. But any x370 motherboard that has bios updates, as high Mhz on ram as possible.
  8. 1337sune

    Monitor Power Save mode

    Download furmark an test it, does it still happen. what happens when you dont have fullscreen mode on the games? what gpu u using, what is your idle temps/load temps.
  9. 1337sune

    Monitor no signal

    Are you able to mash F12/delete to get to bios? Could you plugg it into another monitor(tv or something else)? Last case could you disconnect the gpu and still have the cables plugged into the motherboard and boot it up(while mashing f12/del)
  10. 1337sune

    Old hdd = no pc start?

    Try downloading Crystaldiskinfo (google it) and it will read if you have a bad drive or good drive (reads the smart data). My IBM from 2006 is still running with the same 80gb harddrive running for about 18000 hours now. Hard Drives do NOT fail like many people think they do most often or not...
  11. 1337sune

    Monitor no signal

    Does the cpu fan run at all times? Try plugging your video cable into the video ports on the motherboard and see if that works.
  12. 1337sune

    Computer freeze then green monitor

    Sounds like your gpu is on the fault, if you get that problem again can your plugg dvi/hdmi/vga cable into the ports on the motherboard instead. If that fixes the problem you should RMA the gpu, if it does not fix the problem try using another monitor and se if that fixes it. Also try to look up...
  13. 1337sune

    Monitor no signal

    Unplug your system for like 5 min. then plug in and test again. Are you able to get into bios?
  14. 1337sune

    Does anyone know what could be making this sound?

    Sounds like a cable hitting a fan or something like that. Open up your case when it makes that noise and see if any cables hit it or anything like that. Worst case it can be your Hard drive (if you have one) clicking in which case you should consider buying a new one and move your files from...
  15. 1337sune

    Weird electronic buzzes coming from PC

    Okay if you can tell me what the power supply you are using that would be great, the experience you are having might be coil whine from one of the chokes on your motherboard. do you have any other desktop computers that you wouldn't break the warranty if you removed some parts(just for testing)...