Recent content by _K_killer_

  1. K

    High end PC cannot run certain games.

    I removed my ram before, did nothing. Made things wurse tbh. Guess I have to deal with not being able to play certain games
  2. K

    High end PC cannot run certain games.

    I know my temps, I use Afterburning. Normal idle temps are 20C, playing high end games bring it between 40-50. I do not see the cooling being the problem. It occurs on games that are less highend but my GPU takes it like its the newest game, going up in heat. Also the CPU goes up in useage and...
  3. K

    High end PC cannot run certain games.

    Hello fellow people, I have a problem with my PC not able to run certain games. My pc goes nuts ( heat goes up rapit and runs on MAX to keep up ). Games like Rust, planetside 2, Conan exiles, Frectured space and a few others are almost all a no-go for me. Meanwhile I am able to play High-end...
  4. K

    Cooling problem facing wrong way

    Then I ''panic'' for no reason, thanks all.
  5. K

    Cooling problem facing wrong way

    I have my PC I couple of weeks now, I selected all components. I let an company build it for me since I am not the best at building pc's. During a cleaning of dust I noticed that my case fan in mounted backwards onto my CPU cooler The CPU blows air from the...
  6. K

    Need advice for my new pc.

    Well to start off the PC should be arriving today but I asked if they can make my loadout ( in case ) easy to replace or maintain ( buget for pc was 2200 euro ish ). So if indeed the PSU is lacking, what is preffered? The 32gb, yes its overkill but I builded it to be a bit future proof and might...
  7. K

    Need advice for my new pc.

    Dear forum people, Next week or so I am getting my new build gaming pc and I am looking for some advice. Where do I need help with. Well to start off an decent paid virusscanner/firewall, I have been looking trough some and I am quite interrested in Bitdefender. There are lots of virus...